Economic Development

Hamilton Township Upcoming Development
After years of planning and negotiating with developers, your Township Trustees are proud to announce the development of Hoptown. The "Hoptown Plan" has been a 15+ year project that is ready for execution.
Your Township Trustees and Fiscal Officer have approached this development with a focus on traffic relief, minimal impact on our school district, and fiscal stewardship of the community.
Traffic Relief: This development will include increased infrastructure connecting roads from Grandin Rd., US 22/3, Towne Center Blvd., and St. Rt. 48 to relieve traffic off of the St. Rt. 48 and US 22/3 intersection.
Hoptown will include restaurants, retail, and commercial development. There will also be multi-family living options. This is an important aspect of the development to fill a gap in the living options within our community.
School District Impact: The multi-family complex is a luxury apartment development marketed towards business professionals and "empty-nesters." This strategy is targeted towards attracting tenants that do not have school-aged children in efforts to not impact the school district. The Hoptown Plan includes an emphasis on walkability and bike-rideability throughout the development with a network of sidewalks and crosswalks.
Tax Base: This development is approached with a focus on economics. Certain aspects of the development are incentivized with tax relief for the developers. That said, this will bring the businesses here and allow for the proper construction of the necessary infrastructure. Once the infrastructure is paid off from the tax relief, the Township and school district will benefit from the additional tax base on the elevated property tax, which will ultimately off-set the original relief.