Economic Development

Chase Bank
Chase serves millions of people with a broad range of products. Chase Bank lets you manage your Chase accounts, view statements, monitor activity, pay bills or transfer funds securely from one central place. To learn more, visit the Banking Education Center for questions or concerns or Chase Bank Customer Service.

Take 5 Oil Change
Take 5 originally launched as Rapid Oil Change, specializing in quick oil changes, minor repairs, and other maintenance services. Starting in Louisiana, the company has maintained a selective approach to franchising but is open to exploring future opportunities.
Take 5 has transformed the industry with its innovative stay-in-your-car oil change model. Our locations feature shallow pits, drive-through oil changes, synchronized service, and a commitment to fast, friendly service. We offer a swift, convenient car maintenance experience with a strong focus on customer satisfaction and a people-first culture.

Christian Brothers Automotive
Since 1982, Christian Brothers Automotive has been dedicated to transforming the auto service experience by offering expert, honest, and sincere car repairs. Over the years, we’ve helped numerous individuals and families with their vehicle needs, getting them back on the road with minimal hassle.
Township Center
This plaza will include a sit-down restaurant with an outdoor eating option. The other target businesses for this plaza include a chiropractic office, salon, and drive-thru restaurant. There are still vacancies to be filled if you are looking for a location to move or start your business. Contact Myers Y. Cooper Company at (513) 248-8350 for more information.

Tribute Luxury Apartments
These high-end apartments will be four-story buildings with elevator access to each floor. The complex will have a walk/bike path throughout the entire community, along with a luxury clubhouse. The walkability will compliment the surrounding developments. With this development will also come an access road from Town Center Blvd. to Grandin Road to relieve the added traffic from SR 48. Towne Center Blvd and Grandin Rd extensions east of SR 48- Part B Bid specifications should be referred to David Mick, P.E., Warren County Engineer's Office at (513) 695-3308 or