Blog Entries - Mar. 2021

2021 Junior Police Academy
March 22, 2021
The mission of the Hamilton Township Junior Police Academy is to offer youths the opportunity to experience the methods and techniques often used in Law Enforcement. The academy will focus on key aspects of the Law

Changing the World From Your Own Backyard
March 25, 2021
Changing the World From Your Own Backyard We are living in a time marked by anxiety, turmoil, and uncertainty. This environment can cause us to shut down and despair, or it can ignite a passion for change. Making a

Gardening is for the Birds
March 1, 2021
Gardening is for the Birds! Spring is a time of awakening when the cold of winter starts getting shrugged off to make room for the warmth which accompanies new growth in the natural world. For birders, it is