Elected Officials

Leah Elliott, Fiscal Officer
Number: (513) 683-8520
Email: lelliott@hamilton-township.org
Term Began: 4/1/24
Term Expires: 3/31/28
Background in Hamilton Township:
Leah and her husband, Doug, both Little Miami graduates, have been Township residents for over forty years. Leah attends Fellowship Baptist Church, a staple in the community, and has served in multiple volunteer positions within the church.
Current Employer:
Leah is the financial controller for APL Engineered Materials, a chemical manufacturer in Illinois. Leah and her husband also own an equipment rental company based out of Kentucky.
Leah and Doug have been married since 2002 and have two children together – Walker and Olivia. Walker is 17 and attends the Warren County Career Center. Liv is 13 and attends Milford Christian Academy.
A Note from Leah:
I’m so honored and excited to serve as your new Fiscal Officer. I have over 20 years of experience in the accounting industry and will build upon the work of the previous fiscal officers. I will work closely with the Trustees to provide them with the financial information needed to make the best decisions for our township.
Hamilton Township is committed to fiscal transparency.
The Township has developed the Financial Transparency Portal to give you, the Hamilton Township stakeholder, a transparent view of how your funds are invested in the delivery of outstanding services that distinguish us as a Signature Township of the region.
The Transparency Portal is designed to bring visibility, openness, and accountability to our operations:
Tips on How To Use the Financial Transparency Portal
• The portal allows you to explore budget and historical finances in a simple graphical user interface. The main view includes a chart or graph, a legend and various controls to view expenses by departments out of various funds.
• You’ll notice the title of the chart or graph you are viewing on top along with the account type selector. You can use the filter to see the data that is of most interest to you.
• To focus on specific data – like a fund, department, expense type, or any combination – look to the left and use the menu on the side panel. These selectors allow you to specify exactly what breakdown you want the graph or table to represent. When you select “Filtered By” the data filter pops up and allows you to turn-on or turn-off selected filters for that category – funds, departments, expense type.
• Keep in mind that some departments or expenses only receive funds from specific funds – if the department or expense is not funded from a particular fund, it will be grayed out.
• There are five different types of visual representations of the data – an area graph, an area graph by percentage, a line graph, a pie chart, and a table. You can change your view at any time by simply selecting the different type of representation. The data will automatically convert. These functions are on the top right.
• You can also download the data into a .csv spreadsheet or a .png image.
• You can share the data, in any view, on a social network or by email.
• Hamilton Township’s main fund is the General Fund which includes all Township’s departments (e.g. Public Safety, Recreation and Parks, Public Works, Community Development, etc.). In accordance with law, other functions of Township government will be reported in separate funds (e.g. Emergency-911 Fund, Sanitation Fund, etc.).
• Some expenditures or revenues do not track year to year. For example, there may be expenditure for a specific item or project in Fiscal Year 2014 that the Township no longer uses. These expenditure categories will only be visible for the years they were used. After that, they will be zeroed out.

Open Checkbook
View, filter, and analyze every expenditure transaction from 2014 to current including such detail as vendor name, transaction amount, transaction date, description, etc. It’s your money; you have a right to know how it’s spent.
Annual Budget
2025 Tax Budget
2025 Appropriation Budget
Financial Statements
The Audited 2023 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are read for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
The Audited 2022 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are read for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
The Audited 2021 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are ready for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio, 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
Audited Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards
The Audited 2020 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are ready for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio, 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
The Audited 2019 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are ready for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio, 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
The Audited 2018 Financial Statements for Hamilton Township, Warren County, Ohio are ready for the public to review at the Hamilton Township Administration Building, 7780 S SR 48, Maineville, Ohio, 45039. Copies can be reviewed during normal business hours.
December 31st, 2017 Financial Statements
December 31st, 2016 Financial Statements