Elected Officials

Mark Sousa, Trustee
Number: (513) 476-3395 (cell)
Email: msousa@hamilton-township.org
Term Began: 1/1/24
Term Expires: 12/31/27
Background in Hamilton Township: Resident of Hamilton Township since 1999. Volunteered with Police, Fire & Public Works campaigns in 2018 & 2019 as treasurer/campaign strategist. Also serves in a volunteer capacity on Little Miami Schools Business Advisory Council as Chairperson.
Current Employer: 1st National Bank.
Family: Mark has been married to his wife Angie (Little Miami 1993 graduate) since 1997. They have 2 children; Julia, a Little Miami 2019 graduate now attending the University of Cincinnati and Ethan, Little Miami class of 2020.
A note from Mark: I’m honored to have received the faith and support of Hamilton Township residents. I look forward to being your voice, as part of the strong team leading Hamilton Township into the future. I’m excited to see what the future holds for Hamilton Township. I believe we are well positioned to provide the excellent services (Police, Fire, Parks and Public Works) that the residents of Hamilton Township expect and deserve.
Mark Sousa